Believe it or not, ingrown hairs happen to everyone and on any parts of our body. Whether it can be completely gone or turn to be an inflammation, that all depends on how we treat it. Improper techniques during hair removal treatment or lack of exfoliation often causes an ingrown hair. So, what is the best hair removal technique to remove and prevent ingrown hairs?

What Are Ingrown Hairs?
First of all, we need to know what it actually is. Ingrown hairs occur when one of these two things happens. Either a hair curls and grows back into the skin instead of coming out of the pore, which is more common. Or the hair grows sideways into the skin due to hardened-dead skin cells on the surface. For this reason they create little bumps and are prone to infection.
What Causes Ingrown Hairs?
Ingrown hairs often caused by cutting or shaving hair too closely to the skin. But there are several other causes of ingrown hairs. If your hair is curly, it may have the tendency to re-enter the skin after it has been cut. Other than that, hair removal technique, like waxing, can also cause ingrown hairs. How does it happen? Our hairs, in fact, have a lining that properly guides the hair up to the surface of the skin and out a hole that allows the hair to actually exit the body. When you do waxing, you pull the hair out in the opposite direction of hair growth very rapidly and that rapid pulling actually disrupts this very important lining. Then, when the hair starts to regrow, it doesn't have that lining to guide it anymore and it no longer has a way to get out of the skin.
How Do You Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs?
There are multiple ways to get rid of ingrown hairs. Most of them are painful and involve sharp tools like tweezers and blades. Instead of attacking your skin with a razor or pick, try an exfoliating scrub and prevention hair removal technique like body sugaring. Not only sugaring can lead to permanent hair reduction, but it also remove ingrown hairs by lifting up dead skin cells and dirt. This helps clear up the mouth of the follicle which helps your hairs grow normally. When you do your sugaring treatments every three to four weeks, it will eventually weaken your hair follicles. In no time, your skin will feel smoother, plus you’ll have a longer “hair-free” period
Body Scrub
Ingrown hairs are a common complication associated with any kind of hair removal method. To prevent an ingrown hair, start to using body scrub 2 / 3 times a week between two body sugaring treatment. This will get rid of dead skin cells, which can help the hair point back out of the skin. It also leaves your skin super smooth and moisturized.
The best thing about sugaring is, you’ll see fewer hairs all together and ingrowns are included!